
Our Mission: Food, Education, Health, Shelter

Vocational training

Charity Education Training

Vocational training is an important aspect of Association d’aide aux orphelins’ work. Here are some more details on how the organization provides support:

  1. Skills training: L’Association d’aide aux orphelins provides skills training to orphaned children and youth, which helps to equip them with the skills they need to succeed in a trade or other profession. This includes training in areas such as carpentry, tailoring, hairdressing, and welding.
  2. Entrepreneurship training: The organization also provides entrepreneurship training to orphaned children and youth, which helps to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to start and run their own business. This includes training in areas such as business planning, marketing, and financial management.
  3. Job placement: L’Association d’aide aux orphelins helps to connect orphaned children and youth with potential employers, which helps them to access job opportunities and build their careers.
  4. Mentorship: The organization also provides mentorship to orphaned children and youth, which helps to provide them with guidance and support as they navigate their careers.

By providing skills training, entrepreneurship training, job placement, and mentorship, Association d’aide aux orphelins helps to ensure that orphaned children and youth have access to the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers. This not only improves their future prospects but also helps to break the cycle of poverty and improve the overall economic development of the community.


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